Your role as a trusted, visible part of the community begins with the image you, your office and your staff present. Commitment to high standards begins with every document you send, the signage in your community and the consistency of your positive public image.
Printed material is an effective way to distribute vital safety information such as fire prevention tips, crime prevention strategies, or first aid procedures. They also build trust in your agency by showing your dedication to your job while informing the public about your services and initiatives.
A native of Miami, Florida, Dominic retired from a career in firefighting after 31 years. A Fire Captain and Paramedic for the Gwinnett County (Georgia) Fire Department, he continues in the field serving his community as a volunteer firefighter for the city of Jefferson, GA. Dominic brings his extensive experience in emergency management to help communities upgrade their 911 websites with our cutting-edge technology. He and his wife Natalie have been married for 25+ years and have three boys who are successful in their chosen vocations.